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Rates change all the time. Keep up to date with the latest activity so you can manage your mortgage and pay-it-off faster.

26 September 2024

Why opting to float may make sense in the current environment

With further interest rate cuts in the pipeline before Christmas, it may be worth holding off on refixing—and opting to float instead.

Man floating in the ocean or a lake reading a book
19 September 2024

Are we on track for one-year fixed mortgages rates below 6%?

With the widespread expectation being that we're headed for another 0.25% OCR decrease in October, that could put us on track for one-year rates below 6%. Here's what that means for borrowers right now.

Woman in orange shirt and black pants running on track field
11 September 2024

With further rate cuts around the corner, the question becomes—to fix or float?

With two further OCR cuts expected before the end of the year, we could see one-year rates drop below 6% going into Christmas—so what does that mean for mortgage borrowers?

Duckling swimming on water
04 September 2024

Interest rates settle as market awaits next OCR announcement

Interest rates have stabilised over the last week, but with two further OCR cuts expected before the end of the year, here's what that means for borrowers.

Young man sitting on the ground against a pink background, holding a wall clock in his hands.

Keen for the best rate and some cash too?

We've teamed up with award winning mortgage experts, Squirrel.

With over 1,425 five star reviews on Shopper Approved, Squirrel has helped thousands of Kiwis just like you secure the best possible rate when refixing or refinancing. Squirrel often beats the advertised rates so it's worth getting them to review your mortgage.

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The service I got from Squirrel was extremely efficient. They dealt with my loan so easily and achieved a result greater than what I was expecting.



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Highly recommend Squirrel to sort out a mortgage with the banks takes the hassle out of going to separate banks with so much information they do the hard yards for you - Baz was a superstar and helped me all the way to my new home.

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